Thursday, February 18, 2010


...I knew that frequent blogging thing would go boom at some point but I'm going with it. In my last whine fest Randy was on his way home...Well Randy came home, thank God. He made it in about 3am and poor little man tried so hard to stay awake for it. Randy came home kissed me and made for the crib like a man on fire. It felt so good to have been missed but to know that Randy really missed Eli made my heart all gooey. I went in the bedroom and Eli was waking up to the "daddy snuggles" and the look of pure joy on his little face epic cute. I could have taken a picture but...hey I took that moment for me...I'm stingy.

I do have a-dore-able pics of Eli but I gotta get Randy to put them on my computer. He's trying to walk and his he first run it with the floor. We only had big adult bandages but it made him look tough. I felt like my heart was breaking when he cried, but as I am constantly reminded he's getting bigger and will hurt himself. He learned gravity is a law not a theory...but try explaining that to an 11 month old.

11 month I the only one shrieking at this indignity? He's only a baby!!!

Hrm....Eli and I got sick from whatever crud Randy got in Ohio. Sick baby sucks! But Eli is so plucky he just keeps going. I get sick and stay that way for a long time. *boo* Last week my right leg went 100% numb while I was on the couch. Thinking my butt had been sitting on it for too long I figgered "pins and needles, no biggie." I got up to fecth the baby and stood up. Remember the law I mentioned earlier? I went DOWN. Tried again and managed to hobble, wobble into the bedroom. Stood up, leg went out down again. Now it's scaring me. (I can hear you all slapping your head...) I get up foot, toes, leg all feeling or stability. Ankle turns and I hear a pop. Now I'm scared and screwed. Remember me feeling not so cheery at being without close friends and Randy gone? Me and (screaming) Eli in the bedroom....Randy at work...Cell phone? In living room. F&*^%$##@ So I crawl to phone and call Randy and explain that I didn't take the wrong med and blink out, my leg is FUBAR....Cue to scared Randy. I thought I broke it. Randy came home and since I could move said foot and leg (couldn't tell you I was doing it or it hurt like hell) we skipped the ER but here we are a week later and my foot/leg is not so bueno. So tomorrow off to the GP to see why the leg's wonky. I like him and he's going to yell at me...yuck.

The good news?! We finally bought a new car. It's all shiny and pretty. Ok it's a 2007 but that's new to me. Now I can look into a "mommy and me" class for Mr. Eli and I. I think we're more excited that "Paw-Paw" and Grandma Jeannie are coming out soon! I love visits...Just wish we had more of them.

Much love and Many Spit bubbles
Dawn and Eli

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