Thursday, January 28, 2010

2 in a week...

I'm going for a record! Well, Eli is happily babbling and munching on his cheerios and goldfishies and since my Facebook entries seem to be invisible (at least no one seems to be replying or anything) I figured .oO(why not?!) Sooo....

Randy is on his way home today after his first business trip away from the family. None of us where pleased especially the baby....The baby being ME! At least that seems to be the common opinion amongst those I have talked to these past few days. Ok, I whined, A LOT, and I'm not sorry. I was lonely and I was scared to be alone in a city where I know very few people. And amongst those I know even less that I feel I can call on. Randy handles a crisis better than I do. Eli is hale and hearty but I'm not. What if I got sick? It would not be the first time the queen of clutz hurt herself doing something simple! He's just a little man in a big world and he needs, who, me?! OH MAN! So I was scared...turned to my "friends" on facebook. Ha! Happily my in-laws rock, my best friends on the east coast are just that (the best) and sometimes an unexpected blast from your past can make you smile. But the others who called me co-dependent and weak because I love my husband, miss his smile, and depend on him to parent OUR child I very childishly stick my tounge out at you and say *boo.*

On a happy note the sun came back to Vegas today and it's supposed to be out all weekend and nearly 60 degrees. Maybe after a full day of snuggling the hubby, we can get out and cruise around one of the outdoor malls. Take some more pictures.

Love and Spit Bubbles
Dawn and Eli

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